Rebreather Academy

Rebreather are arriving on recreational scuba diving and us it is anxious to make you getting into the world of bubble-free diving as easy as possible.

Rigorous training is of course guaranteed only with good and experienced instructors. Of course a large team of instructors with extensive experience available that you are happy with advice and practical help and guide you through the training.

Diving with a rebreather opens up a completely new dimension for underwater sport. The diver can get much closer to the maritime life since the unit does not create air bubbles. Specifically photographers value this. And thanks to the lack of bubbles when using the rebreather, it is the first time for many to experience the silent world of the sea.
ORCA Dive Clubs wants to spread the rebreather idea further with its Rebreather-Academy in Soma Bay. This location does not only have two trainers on site, who can teach every diver the handling of the rebreather according to IART/IANTD standards from user to instructor. The Academy is also open to diving instructors from all over the world – against a fee – to teach their own students.
The A.P. Inspiration or Evolution has become a classic among rebreathers. A very sophisticated unit, which is proved since years in day to day diving activities . It is an extremely versatile device that is suitable for beginners in recreational diving as well as for ambitious advanced divers who want to perform also decompression dives with mixed gases.
Evolution/ Inspiration
The IANTD CCR Diver is is the entry level training programme for the APD range of CCR’s. The major advantages of closed circuit rebreather diving is bubblless operation, warm moist breathing air almost eliminating the risk of decompression sickness, a constant PO2 (partial pressure of oxygen) you have a guaranteed best mix regardless of your depth. Add to this the extended no-decompression times, and shorter decompression schedules, with superior efficient gas consumption, you will realise why more and more divers are seeking rebreather training. During this 5 day programme you will be educated in all aspects of correct operation of your rebreather. This will include 1 confined water session and a min. of 8 open water dives where you will repeat and learn new skills for rebreather survival under the direct supervision of your instructor. On satisfactory completion of training you will be able to dive to a max. depth of 42m when using air as a diluent and 48m when using trimix as a diluent with a max. decompression time of 15min.
Min.18 years old, Nitrox 40%, Padi AOWD/CMAS*, min. 50 logged dives
*currently not available*
The JJ – CCR rebreather is a simple, robust and adaptable unit which can be configured and customized for all variants of diving. Ranging from sport diving to technical trimix diving.
It is an extremely all around unit, ideal for beginners and advanced CCR divers .
IART JJ User Kurs Level 1
With the JJ Rebreather, Orca Dive Club Safaga offers an additional rebreather course. The JJ Rebreather is a compact but robust rebreather unit, which is suitable for beginners in rebreather diving as well as experienced CCR divers.During this 5 day program you will be educated in all aspects of correct operation of your rebreather. This will include 1 confined water session and a min. of 8 open water dives where you will repeat and learn new skills for rebreather survival under the direct supervision of your instructor. On satisfactory completion of training you will be able to dive to a max. depth of 40m when using air as a diluent .As certified CCR JJ user you can alowed to dive and to bay a JJ unit.
Course Outline
12 hours of theory
1 Confined Water Dive
8 Open Water Dives
Min. 18 years old
Advanced Open Water/CMAS 2*
Min. 50 logged dives
Nitrox Certification
Incl. CCR rental/Absorbent/Divebox
excl. 70 Euro IART certification
The Poseidon Discovery is for divers who appreciate the benefits of rebreathers, but want to stay within the limits of recreational diving and is specifically geared to this needs.
This makes it the world’s first of its kind , extremely simple and safe in handling. It has innovative features allowing the diver to continue the education with this unit. This makes it the ideal device for divers to step in rebreather diving .
IART Poseidon User Kurs
This course develops in the participant, the required abilities, knowledge and techniques to dive responsibly with the closed circuit Poseidon DISCOVERY rebreather to a maximum depth of 40 meters and within no-decompression limits.
After successful completion of the course the participant is granted the permission to dive with and purchase the Poseidon MK VI DISCOVERY CCR.
*currently not available*
Revo III Hybrid
The rEvo III Hybrid is a compact, yet robust device, which is perfectly suitable for beginners in the rebreather area, but is particularly popular with advanced divers who are interested in technical diving. Thanks to its clean configuration, this device allows a very pleasant experience in the water.
The user course for the rEvo lasts 5 days. The basic requirement for this course is the Advanced Nitrox certification. The depth limit with air is 42 m. A maximum of 15 minutes of decoration may be carried out. Prerequisite for being able to participate in the rEvo course: 30 dives, advanced open water diver or an equivalent certification, nitrox certification, valid diving fitness examination.